Poetry Page
December 2014 - Our Christmas Wish to our Union Church Family
Written by Nancy M Sandahl 12/7/2014
Nancy wrote this poem following a very chilly church service
Twas the 7th of December and all through the church
As we entered God's house, for heat we did search!
Hope and peace hung on the tree with care,
In hopes that our Lord's birth, soon would be there.
The people were all nestled and frozen in their pews,
With the choir singing and watching Carlson for cues
And Donna with no coat on and Dennis with his light
Were beginning to get advent candles lit just right
Whispers Of Spring - by Carlson Barrett
I heard it whispering through the trees,
I felt it in the warm flowing breeze.
It came with soft footsteps closer each day,
Silently melting Winter’s cold away.
It opened the brooks and made them bubble for joy,
Winter’s hold now broken, ‘tis Spring to enjoy.
Tiny wildflowers peek out from the earth,
Coloring the countryside with a fresh new birth.
Birds to sing a new symphony of song,
Heard everywhere around, and all day long.
But most of all Spring warms the heart,
Creating new life, a fresh new start.
A fresh new start.